
name: sky / jay
age: 17
pronouns: he / him
identity: queer
attraction: attraction layer cake
gender + sexuality: spectrum
mbti: intj (i told you anna🗿)
enneagram: 6w5
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
note: if i randomly disappear, i’m probably fine and just need some time to myself. i’m not the best at expressing emotions and when shit gets too much i basically shut myself off in any way possible. it doesn’t mean you’ve done something, it’s just me trying to find a way to cope with everything

(picrew of me! click for credit :D)

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artists: way too many to list, but here’s a playlist containing music from some of my favourite artists :)

series: shooter, brooklyn 99, don’t f**k with cats, how i met your mother, scrubs, s.w.a.t.

films: fantastic mr fox, the hitman’s bodyguard, deadpool, thor ragnarok, the cat returns, glass, zombieland, brother bear, dunkirk, world war z, it, the martian, and lots more lmao

YT channels: BacKoFFmyJanKz, Daily Dose Of Internet, Fugglet, How to Survive, iTemp Plays, Kurtis Conner, MrBallen, SoaR Kobi, The Infographics Show,

colours: black, blue, grey, red, white

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likes + dislikes

likes: basketball, being alone, blue sharks, bull sharks, caspian tigers (rip), cats, cheetahs, cookies, dark humour, (reading) discourse, fantastic mr fox, fries, gaming, ice cream, indochinese leopards, jaguars, martial arts, memes, milkshakes, music, order, pepsi, pizza, playing instruments, porbeagle sharks, reading, reddit, sleeping, spotify, swimming, tiger sharks, vampires, whale sharks

dislikes: attention, being lonely, BELLA POARCH buzzfeed quizzes, certain adverts, flashing lights, flat earthers (come on, how can you ACTUALLY believe the earth is flat?), hot weather, mornings, mushrooms, peppers, school, slow walkers, storms, suibaiters

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byi / dni

byi: i find talking difficult
if i don’t reply for a while, it’s not because i don’t like you, it’s because idk what to say
i don’t rp; please don’t ask

dni: i’d put shit here but honestly, i’ll probably argue and debate with all people who fit.

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my pets :)

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uh i’m ambidextrous
i used to be a theatre kid (ew)
i have a shit sense of humour
i don’t have many irl friends🌚
i have a dog and a cat

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flashing lights (again, do not send me anything flashy)

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socials + links

discord: ♫ 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛 ♫#2086
